
EOS is a software package that addresses several use cases in the field of high-energy flavor physics:

  1. theory predictions of and uncertainty estimation for flavor observables within the Standard Model or within the Weak Effective Theory;
  2. Bayesian parameter inference from both experimental and theoretical constraints; and
  3. Monte Carlo simulation of pseudo events for flavor processes.

An up-to-date list of publications that use EOS can be found here.

EOS is written in C++17 and designed to be used through its Python 3 interface, ideally within a Jupyter notebook environment. It depends on as a small set of external software:

For details on these dependencies we refer to the online documentation.


EOS supports several methods of installation. For Linux users, the recommended method is installation via PyPI:

pip3 install eoshep

Development versions tracking the master branch are also available via PyPi:

pip3 install --pre eoshep

For instructions on how to build and install EOS on your computer please have a look at the online documentation.

Authors and Contributors

If you use EOS in a scientific publication, please cite it using the following BibTeX entry:

  author        = "van Dyk, Danny and others",
  title         = "{EOS - A Software for Flavor Physics Phenomenology}",
  eprint        = "2111.15428",
  archivePrefix = "arXiv",
  primaryClass  = "hep-ph",
  reportNumber  = "EOS-2021-04, TUM-HEP 1371/21, P3H-21-094, SI-HEP-2021-32",
  month         = "11",
  year          = "2021"

The main authors are:

with further code contributions by:

We would like to extend our thanks to the following people whose input and support were most helpful in either the development or the maintenance of EOS:


For additional information, please contact any of the main authors. If you want to report an error or file a request, please file an issue here.