Version 1.0.13

We have just released version 1.0.13, which you can find here.

There have been 137 commits since version v1.0.12, which can be inspected here. The changes include

  • adding inclusive hadronic B decay observables (S. Meiser)
  • adding a new parametrisation of the pion vector form factor (M. Kirk)
  • adding initial code for Omnès-based form factor parametrisations (F. Herren)
  • adding analysis validation (M. Kirk & E. McPartland)
  • adding analysis reporting (C. Bolognani & L. Gaertner)
  • fixing the Wolfenstein parametrisation of Vcd (M. Burgos)
  • improving the code examples and the documentation (C. Bolognani, L. Gaertner)
  • maintaining and improving the code base (F. Herren, M. Kirk, M. Reboud, D. van Dyk)

Contributors of these commits are:

  • Carolina Bolognani
  • Marta Burgos
  • Lorenz Gaertner
  • Florian Herren
  • Matthew Kirk
  • Ery McPartland
  • Stefan Meiser
  • Méril Reboud
  • Danny van Dyk

Version 1.0.12

We have just released version 1.0.12, which you can find here.

There have been 166 commits since version 1.0.11, which can be inspected here. The changes include

  • adding $D_q^*\to \ell^+\nu$ decays (D. van Dyk)
  • adding $D_q\to \ell^+\nu$ decays (C. Bolognani)
  • adding $D_q\to P\ell^+\nu$ decays and corresponding form factors (C. Bolognani)
  • adding $\Lambda_c\to\Lambda(\to p \pi)\ell^+\nu$ decays and corresponding form factor (M. Reboud)
  • adding experimental constraints for exclusive $c\to s\ell^+\nu$ decays (C. Bolognani)
  • adding theoretical constraints on hadronic matrix elements for exclusive $c\to s\ell^+\nu$ decays (C. Bolognani)
  • adding dispersive bounds for $c\to s$ hadronic form factors (K. Vos)
  • cleaning up test cases (M. Reboud)
  • clarifying LHCb and theory conventions for rare b decay observables (M. Reboud)
  • fixing the BESIII measurement of $e^+e^-\to D\bar{D}$
  • rewriting the parsing code for analysis files (M. Kirk)
  • cleaning up the documentation (M. Kirk)
  • adding a prior sampler (E. McPartland)
  • adding means to select a loop order in $\alpha_s$ and MSbar quark mass running (V. Kuschke)
  • fixing a bug in the quark mass running at order $\alpha_s^3$ (V. Kuschke)
  • adding predictions and constraints for class-I non-leptonic B decays (S. Meiser)
  • fixing a bug in the light-meson three-particle vector LCDAs (S. Meiser)
  • adding means to list and download public EOS data sets (D. van Dyk)
  • adding means to compute a test statistic for a gaussian mixture model (M. Reboud)

Contributors of these commits are:

  • Carolina Bolognani
  • Nico Gubernari
  • Matthew Kirk
  • Viktor Kuschke
  • Ery McPartland
  • Stefan Meiser
  • Méril Reboud
  • Danny van Dyk
  • Keri Vos

Version 1.0.11

We have just released version 1.0.11, which you can find here.

There have been 138 commits since version v1.0.10, which can be inspected here. The changes include

  • adding an interface to pyhf likelihoods (L. Gaertner)
  • creating a parameter reset function for the eos.analysis object (L. Gaertner)
  • documenting the b->sll tags (M. Reboud)
  • adding ee->ccbar scattering observables using the K matrix framework (M. Reboud)
  • fixing the hyperlinks in the list of constraints page in the documentation (M. Kirk)
  • adding Class-I Nonleptonic Heavy-to-Heavy decay observables (S. Meiser)
  • fixing various typos within the documentation (M. Kirk)
  • adding wheels for Python 3.12 (M. Kirk)
  • adding pseudo-observables related to the B meson lifetime (S. Meiser)
  • restructuring the documentation (D. van Dyk)

Contributors of these commits are:

  • Lorenz Gaertner
  • Matthew Kirk
  • Stephan Kürten
  • Viktor Kuschke
  • Philip Lüghausen
  • Stefan Meiser
  • Méril Reboud
  • Danny van Dyk

Version 1.0.10

We have just released version 1.0.10, which you can find here.

There have been 19 commits since version v1.0.9, which can be inspected here. The changes include

  • fixing issue #683 (D. van Dyk)
  • updating container images for python 3.11 (J. Eschle)
  • working on a new implementation of the plotting framework (P. Lüghausen)
  • improving the automatization of the documentation (P. Lüghausen)
  • implementing observables related to b -> s nu nu decays (M. Reboud)

Contributors of these commits are:

  • Jonas Eschle
  • Philip Lüghausen
  • Méril Reboud
  • Danny van Dyk

Version 1.0.9

We have just released version 1.0.9, which you can find here.

There have been 84 commits since version 1.0.8, which can be inspected here. The changes include

  • improving the documentation (P. Lüghausen, D. van Dyk)
  • storing the posterior values alongside the samples in various tasks (D. van Dyk, M. Reboud)
  • adding means to initialize eos.tasks.find_mode from pre-obtained samples (D. van Dyk)
  • changing the eos.Analysis internals to sample in “u-space” rather than parameter space (D. van Dyk)
  • fixing a bug when in creating a new (D. van Dyk)
  • improving the compile time for the b->sll OPE results (V. Kuschke)
  • fixing the unitarity bounds for b->clnu form factors in the BGL parametrisation (M. Reboud)
  • adding means to plot an observable for a mode found by eos.tasks.find_mode (M. Reboud)
  • fixing the existing FNAL+MILC:2021A constraint on B->D^*lnu form factors (N. Gubernari)
  • adding the WET interface for the sbcu and dbcu sectors (D. van Dyk)
  • adding B_s->K form factors with generalized unitarity bounds (C. Bolognani)
  • adding B_s->Klnu observables (C. Bolognani)

Contributors of these commits are:

  • Carolina Bolognani
  • Nico Gubernari
  • Stephan Kürten
  • Viktor Kuschke
  • Philip Lüghausen
  • Filip Novak
  • Méril Reboud
  • Danny van Dyk